くろふぁん2GHz,Clock Up Fan Disc 2GHz,Kurofan 2GHz,くろふぁんにギガヘルツ,くろふぁん2ghz 真・ルセリナ日記,clock up fan disc 2ghz - shin luserina nikki
"Ghz" is the codename for CLOCKUP's line of fandisks, and this second release is basically a tribute to the most popular (and tragic) character of
尽管知道这是危险的行动,但为了寻找失踪的恋人,路塞莉娅开始在充满恶意和淫欲的“K”的研究所工作。 这是一部以《
, embellished with new graphics and new sex scenarios.
Basically an unvoiced prequel of ECLIPSE, it does add something new (and unexpected, too!) to the original story...
-絶対隷奴計画・喪失少女-》中的悲剧女主角的第一人称来讲述的故事。 纯粹的凌辱日记ADV。