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The stage is set! A solitary island ruled by tyranny and assault, in the middle of the southern sea! A spy adventure game following a female agent's lonely battle for justice!
Raruka, an international terrorist, has been imprisoned during a mission, and has been declared as killed in action. However, the economical leader of Europe, duke Elberich, appears before her and declares that he has bought her life.
Her life saved because of her skills as a terrorist, Raruka is sent to a solitary island in the southern sea.
She is assigned the duty of rescuing a genius scientist held captive in the military complex Avalus Ypsi. At first glance, it may look like a grand resort island, but in reality it is a giant weapon, stained by the taint of cruelty and violence.
Will Raruka be able to fulfill her mission without ending up dead!?
[From [url=https://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE038979.html]Dlsite[/url]]