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Monster girls have an almost impossible time becoming pregnant. Only about .2% of the time having sex can one get pregnant. For this end a special school has been created. Here humans and monster girls can attend school together where daily sex is required and open sex is encouraged.
It's been several months since Taichi married the school nurse [url=/c41437]Maya[/url] when she makes an announcement. She's pregnant with Taichi's first child! Taichi can hardly contain his happiness but Taichi's other wives [url=/c41436]Hakua[/url], [url=/c41438]Ooko[/url] and [url=/c41439]Eleonora[/url] react with varying levels of excitement and jealousy. Maya explains however, that she is only 8 weeks pregnant and as a succubus this will not be like a human pregnancy and it will take her 3 years to give birth. This leaves Taichi's other wives plenty of time to become pregnant too.