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mazine • 1 月前
One day, a man named Kanamori Yuuji moves to the vacant room next door. Despite his scary appearance, he is quite polite. Thus, Kazuki's anxiety quickly vanishes. And because of that, he doesn't notice his wife's gradually change since Yuuji came.
[Translated from [url=http://www.waffle1999.com/game/71rinzin/story01.html]Official Site[/url]]
mazine • 1 月前
mazine • 1 月前
One day, a man named Kanamori Yuuji moves to the vacant room next door. Despite his scary appearance, he is quite polite. Thus, Kazuki's anxiety quickly vanishes. And because of that, he doesn't notice his wife's gradually change since Yuuji came.
[Translated from [url=http://www.waffle1999.com/game/71rinzin/story01.html]Official Site[/url]]
mazine • 1 月前