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It is the future, and women dominate men.
Their ability to pilot the IS, mankind's most devastating weapons, has altered the dynamic of all societies. But this new hierarchy is thrown into chaos with the discovery of a man who can also pilot the IS.
I am that man.
In fact I' one of three men, the third of a trainee program.
But I have no real skills. No sex appeal. No strength. It's a pure fluke that I can use an IS, and I'm a famous figure because of it, but praise quickly turned to resentment and ridicule. I've already failed the first year program. Now I'm an ugly punchline in the media.
Stupid, stupid me. I can't save my image. But what I can do... what all men can now do... is take back the world!
[From [url=http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE081412.html]DLsite English[/url]]