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[url=/c76904]Masumi Chris[/url] passed the entrance exams for the prestigious school Nihon Daiichi Academy. However each year for one week Nihon Daichi takes part in an old tradition of naked week. A tradition in Japan many schools once took part in. It seems only Nihon Daiichi Academy, from Kindergarten to College, in the heart of Tokyo, still upholds the old tradition. To strengthen the body, to reinforce the heart, to build lifelong relationships, and to foster community. These are the 4 points of Total Nude Scholastic's Week. To help new students adjust to the embarrassment they will feel during naked week a special school has been created, Zengaku! Here students may practice being naked in a safe and controlled environment before having to bear the shame of being naked in the heart of Tokyo.
In this append, [url=/c76901]Koori Sana[/url] does not have a partner due to an odd number of girls to boys so she is paired up with [url=/c76899]Amamine Arisu[/url] and Chris. Chris enjoys having two beautiful partners to watch over during naked week practice. Sometimes he even helps [url=/c76902]Toujou Kanon[/url] when she finds herself in trouble too.
Note: This append depends on having played the original version [url=/v22214]ZENGAKU! Zenra Toukou Shuukan Tokubetsu Taisaku Gasshuku[/url] to understand. Scenes are played showing where in the original version they take place with additional information assuming Sana becomes Chris's partner too.